CasaDelGato - Images from the House of the Cat

Image search results - "mkiic"
MKIIC regs for under the seat batteries. (closeup)3101 viewsShows the regs in place. All the regs are mounted to a sheet of very flexible clear plastic. (Actually, the back of a big blister pac of something I bought). I then stuck strips of velcro hooks to the back of the plastic, and this lets me stick the assembly to the carpet.
MKIIC regs for under the seat batteries.2590 viewsThere are 7 MKIIC regs velcroed to the left side foot area. I put them here so I could see them, and it's hard to fit the MKIIC's under the seat.
MKIIC regs for the front batteries3817 viewsThis is how I mounted all the MKIIC regs for the front batteries. I used a sheet of clear plexiglass to hold all the regs.
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