Position motors10550 viewsMotors were mounted to the transmission, then lifted in from below.
Transmission was then bolted to it's mounts, and the motors placed on blocks to keep everything in position
Building Motor Mounting Framework9592 viewsWe decided it was easiest to juts build the motor mounting framework in place. Carefully cut pieces and clamp them in place, then tack weld it all together.
Completed Motor Mount7833 viewsThis is the motor mounting framework, after all the welding was complete.
Painted Motor Mount8023 viewsI then sandblasted it all ,and painted it.
Motors Installed8919 viewsEverything is in and bolted down. The framework is mounted to the original rubber engine mounts that used to support the 460cui Gas Engine.
Motors Wired4257 viewsI wired the motors to the Z2K using 4/0 cable.
Notice that I don't like exposed High Voltage connections. Couldn't do much about the 1000A shunt though.